This directory holds the different benchmarks versions, plus supporting files and routines. Naming convention: cc_fF-ver.tgz where: cc (country code): se=Sweden si=Slovenia F (Flavor; B=Breaks, C=Clean, M=Missing data, Q=Quality issues/not breaks): C (AKA "Baboon") B (AKA "Weird Baboon") BM (AKA "Angry Baboon") QM (AKA "Tall Baboon") QMB (AKA "Ballistic Baboon") ver (version): csv=CSV ecad=ECAD The station coordinates for each country (common to all flavors) are in: se_Stations.txt and si_Stations.txt The list of breaks introduced on the fB and fQMB benchmarks can be found in: se_breaks.tgz and si_breaks.tgz (Archived files contain four columns: ID, Date,kdif,factor; but only ID and Date are relevant) --- The function csv2ecad (in indecis.R) helps in converting from CSV to ECAD formats. Its parameters are explained at the beginning of the source. Example to convert the se_fB benchmark (all variables, after uncompressing the tgz archive) using the default csv2ecad_header.txt here provided (specify paths if these files are not in the working directory): source('indecis.R') vars=c('CC','FG','HU','PP','RR','SD','SS','TN','TX') for(var in vars) csv2ecad(sprintf('%sse_fB.csv',var)) You will find the ECAD formated data files in the directory csv2ecad. The stations files common to all variables are: se_Stations.txt (for Southern Sweden) si_Stations.txt (for Slovenia) --- The function ecad2csv (in indecis.R) helps in converting from ECAD to CSV formats. Its parameters are explained at the beginning of the source. Example to convert all ECAD files in the directory 'ecadfiles' to file 'my.csv' containing data from 1950-01-01 to 2005-12-31 (files in 'ecadfiles' should contain data for the same variable only): source('indecis.R') ecad2csv('ecadfiles','my.csv','1950-01-01','2005-12-31') --- All variables are stored as integers, in ECAD units: CC : Cloud Cover in oktas DD : Wind Direction in degrees FG : Wind Speed in 0.1 m/s FX : Wind Gust in 0.1 m/s HU : Humidity in 1 % PP : Sea Level Pressure in 0.1 hPa RR : Precipitation Amount in 0.1 mm SD : Snow Depth in 1 cm SS : Sunshine in 0.1 hours TN : Minimum Temperature in 0.1 °C TX : Maximum Temperature in 0.1 °C Homogenization results provided by the participants are also expected to be in integers. (Otherwise, they will be rounded.)